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  3. What are the contexts where animal welfare is assessed?


We all agree that animal welfare needs to be assessed in order to improve it! But what are the contexts where these assessments take place, and who are the players involved?

There are several possible scenarios:

  • During official veterinary inspections
  • As part of the process of obtaining (or confirming) a label that complies with more protective animal welfare standards (notre vidéodédiée aux labels et étiquettes ici)
  • When the breeder is committed to continuous, self-motivated improvement

Would you like to find out more? We sum it all up in this video.

Labels enable consumers to make informed purchases, particularly with regard to animal welfare.


In this video:

  • 0:30: The different cases of animal welfare assessments
  • 0:49: official inspections
  • 1:20: Labels
  • 3:26: Self-motivated assessment approaches

Keep in mind

Key Figure


The number of cases in which animal welfare assessments are involved

Labels enable consumers to make informed purchases, particularly with regard to animal welfare.

