In previous videos, we have seen what indicators are used to assess animal welfare and how, based on this assessment, animal welfare can be improved in farms.
Today, Luc Mounier, Head of the Chaire Bien-être animal, presents the risk factors that can explain a possible deterioration of animal welfare in a farm.

If the breeder does not use analgesia or anaesthesia for dehorning, for example, we will recommend that he use it to improve the pain criteria of his animals.

Keep in mind
- identifying risk factors helps to understand the reasons for a deterioration in animal welfare on a farm
- There are environmental risk factors (buildings, living environment, etc.), social risk factors (density, etc.) and risk factors related to the human-animal relationship (breeder practices).
- Once the risk factors have been identified, corrective action can be taken to improve animal welfare.
Key Figure
risk factor categories (environmental, social and linked to human-animal relationship)

If the breeder does not use analgesia or anaesthesia for dehorning, for example, we will recommend him to use it to improve the pain criteria of his animals.