In our first video on animal welfare and breeding practices, we saw that the intensification of livestock farming does not necessarily mean a deterioration in animal welfare. In this new part, Luc Mounier, head of the Chaire bien-être animal, provide additionnal information and a concrete example..

If we, as assessors and consumers, want to have a good idea of the welfare of a farm, we have to go and see how things are done on the farm and not generalize.

Keep in mind
- Each breeding system (intensive, extensive) has its advantages and disadvantages.
- Animal welfare certainly depends on the farming system, but above all on the farming itself, and particularly on the farmer, who is the primary actor of animal welfare.
- The best thing to do is to go and see how things are going on the farm.

If we, as assessors and consumers, want to have a good idea of the welfare of a farm, we have to go and see how things are done on the farm and not generalize.