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Video: Animal welfare and breeding practices – add on

In our first video on animal welfare and breeding practices, we saw that the intensification of livestock farming does not necessarily mean a deterioration in animal welfare. In this new part, Luc Mounier, head of the Chaire bien-être animal, provide additionnal information and a concrete example..

If we, as assessors and consumers, want to have a good idea of the welfare of a farm, we have to go and see how things are done on the farm and not generalize.


In this video:

  • 0:33 : Recap of part 1
  • 1:22 : All farms are different, whatever their system
  • 1:44 : Example of a free-range poultry farm
  • 2:36 : What does animal welfare on a farm depend on?

Keep in mind

If we, as assessors and consumers, want to have a good idea of the welfare of a farm, we have to go and see how things are done on the farm and not generalize.