Team members

Luc Mounier
Head of the Chaire bien-être animal
A research professor in animal welfare at VetAgro Sup, his research focuses on improving the welfare of dairy cattle.
Member of the CARAIBE team - Animal Behavior, Robustness and Integrated Approach to Welfare.

Alice de Boyer des Roches
Professor of Animal Science and Welfare
A research professor in animal welfare at VetAgro Sup, her research focuses on the assessment of animal welfare and risk factors, and more specifically on pain-related aspects.
Member of the CARAIBE team - Animal Behavior, Robustness and Integrated Approach to Welfare.

Dorothée Ledoux
Senior lecturer in Animal Science and herd medicine
A lecturer and researcher in livestock management at VetAgro Sup, her research focuses on improving the health status of cattle, in particular by identifying behavioral indicators for detecting and monitoring disease, as measured by connected sensors.
Member of the CARAIBE team - Animal Behavior, Robustness and Integrated Approach to Welfare.

Amandine Rave
Coordinator of the Chaire bien-être animal
As Chaire coordinator, she develops the network of partners and projects. She oversees the Chaire's operations and finances, and defines its strategy. Working closely with its members, she oversees the editorial line and manages the Chaire's super-team.

Déborah Bardou
In charge of accreditations, training and welfare
An ethologist specializing in horses, she supports the development of the Chaire's training activities. She is also responsible for the technical appraisal of applications for accreditation from organizations wishing to provide certain regulated training courses (CCPA, ACACED).

Noÿa Broise
Multimedia graphic designer
As the Chaire's graphic designer and videographer, her missions range from creating illustrations for articles to developing video MOOCs, as well as creating educational infographics and content for social networks.